Bahr, C. J., Zawodny, N. S., Bertolucci, B., Woolwine, K., Liu, F., Li, J., Sheplak, M., and Cattafesta, L., "Measurement of Phased Array Point Spread Functions for use with Beamforming," AIAA Paper 2011-2767, 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Portland, Oregon, 5 - 8 June, 2011. DOI NTRS |
Brooks, T. F., and Hoad, D., "Hybrid Wing Body 14x22 Wind Tunnel Test Overview," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Fall 2011, Hampton, Virginia, 18 - 19 October, 2011. |
Burley, C. L., and Lopes, L. V., "ANOPP2 Development Status," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Fall 2011, Hampton, Virginia, 18 - 19 October, 2011. |
Czech, M. J., and Thomas, R. H., "Experimental Studies of Open Rotor Installation Effects," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Fall 2011, Hampton, Virginia, 18 - 19 October, 2011. |
Doty, M. J., Wygnanski, I., and Lucas, N., "Flexible Filament Test for Supersonic Jet Noise Reduction," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Fall 2011, Hampton, Virginia, 18 - 19 October, 2011. |
Farassat, F., and Myers, M. K., "Multidimensional generalized functions in aeroacoustics and fluid mechanics - Part 1: basic concepts and operations," International Journal of Aeroacoustics, Vol. 10, Nos. 2 & 3, pp. 161 - 200, June, 2011. DOI NTRS |
Gerhold, C. H., "Recent Advances in Data Analysis and Performance Prediction in the Liner Technology Facility," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Fall 2011, Hampton, Virginia, 18 - 19 October, 2011. |
Greenwood, E., and Schmitz, F. H., "The Effects of Ambient Conditions on Helicopter Rotor Source Noise Modeling," AHS 67th Annual Forum, Virginia Beach, Virginia, 3 - 5 May, 2011. NTRS |
Lopes, L. V., and Burley, C. L., "Design of the Next Generation Aircraft Noise Prediction Program: ANOPP2," AIAA Paper 2011-2854, 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Portland, Oregon, 5 - 8 June, 2011. DOI NTRS |
Miller, S. A. E., "An Overview of A Comprehensive Model for the Prediction of Jet Noise (RISN)," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Fall 2011, Hampton, Virginia, 18 - 19 October, 2011. |
Miller, S. A. E., "Towards a Comprehensive Acoustic Analogy for Jet Noise Prediction," The Ohio State University Aerospace Seminar Series, 21 November, 2011. |
Miller, S. A. E., and Morris, P. J., "The Prediction of Broadband Shock-Associated Noise Including Propagation Effects," AIAA Paper 2011-2923, 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Portland, Oregon, 5 - 8 June, 2011. DOI NTRS |
Miller, S. A. E., and Veltin, J., "Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Flow Properties of Supersonic Helium-Air Jets," AIAA Journal, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 235 - 246, January, 2011. DOI |