Aumann, A. R., Tuttle, B. C., Chapin, W. L., and Rizzi, S. A., "The NASA Auralization Framework and Plugin Architecture," 44th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (Inter-Noise 2015), San Francisco, California, 9 - 12 August, 2015. NTRS |
Bahr, C. J., "Array Analysis Methods: Year 1 Summary," Report for Array Analysis Methods Working Group, August, 2015. |
Bahr, C. J., "Phased Array Methods Panel Session: Introduction, Moving Forward, and Discussion," Presentation, Array Methods Panel Session, AIAA Aviation 2015 Forum (21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference), Dallas, Texas, 22 - 26 June, 2015. |
Bahr, C. J., and Horne, W. C., "Advanced Background Subtraction Applied to Aeroacoustic Wind Tunnel Testing," AIAA Paper 2015-3272, AIAA Aviation 2015 Forum (21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference), Dallas, Texas, 22 - 26 June, 2015. DOI NTRS |
Bahr, C. J., Zawodny, N. S., Bertolucci, B., Li, J., Sheplak, M., and Cattafesta, L. N., "A plasma-based non-intrusive point source for acoustic beamforming applications," Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 344, pp. 59 - 80, May, 2015. DOI NTRS |
Brehm, C., Housman, J., Kiris, C. C., and Hutcheson, F. V., "Computational Aero-Acoustics Analysis of the Broadband Engine Noise Simulator Experiment," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Spring 2015, Hampton, Virginia, 21 - 22 April, 2015. |
Burley, C. L., "NASA's Aircraft System Noise Analysis and Hybrid Wing Body Acoustics Test," Graduate Student Seminar at University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire, 13 November, 2015. |
Christian, A. W., Boyd, D. D., Zawodny, N. S., and Rizzi, S. A., "Auralization of tonal rotor noise components of a quadcopter flyover," 44th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (Inter-Noise 2015), San Francisco, California, 9 - 12 August, 2015. NTRS |
Doty, M. J., "Aircraft System Noise Assessment," Aircraft Noise and Emissions Reduction Symposium (ANERS 2015), La Rochelle, France, 22 - 25 September, 2015. |
Flamm, J. D., Fernandez, H., Khorrami, M. R., James, K. D., and Thomas, R. H., "Status of ERA Vehicle System Integration Technology Demonstrators," Presentation, AIAA SciTech 2015 Forum (53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting), Kissimmee, Florida, 5 - 9 January, 2015. NTRS |
Greenwood, E., and Stephenson, J. H., "Modeling and Data Extraction Techniques using Flight Test Data," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Spring 2015, Hampton, Virginia, 21 - 22 April, 2015. |
Greenwood, E., Rau, R., May, B., and Hobbs, C., "A Maneuvering Flight Noise Model for Helicopter Mission Planning," AHS 71st Annual Forum, Virginia Beach, Virginia, 5 - 7 May, 2015. NTRS |
Greenwood, E., Schmitz, F. H., and Sickenberger, R. D., "A Semiempirical Noise Modeling Method for Helicopter Maneuvering Flight Operations," Journal of the American Helicopter Society, Vol. 60, No. 2, April, 2015. DOI |
Guo, Y., and Thomas, R. H., "System Noise Assessment of Blended-Wing-Body Aircraft with Open Rotor Propulsion," AIAA Paper 2015-1215, AIAA Scitech 2015 Forum (53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting), Kissimmee, Florida, 5 - 9 January, 2015. DOI NTRS |
Guo, Y., and Thomas, R. H., "System Noise Assessment of Hybrid Wing-Body Aircraft with Open Rotor Propulsion," Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 52, No. 6, pp. 1767 - 1779, November - December, 2015. DOI |
Guo, Y., Czech, M. J., and Thomas, R. H., "Open Rotor Noise Shielding by Blended-Wing-Body Aircraft," AIAA Paper 2015-1214, AIAA Scitech 2015 Forum (53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting), Kissimmee, Florida, 5 - 9 January, 2015. DOI NTRS |
Housman, J., Kiris, C. C., Akaydin, D., Moini-Yekta, S., Hutcheson, F. V., and Bahr, C. J., "CFD/CAA Analysis for a Wing Leading Edge Test in the Quiet Flow Facility," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Spring 2015, Hampton, Virginia, 21 - 22 April, 2015. NTRS |
Howerton, B. M., and Gerhold, C. H., "Liner Drag Measurement at NASA Langley," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Spring 2015, Hampton, Virginia, 21 - 22 April, 2015. |
Humphreys, W. M., Khorrami, M. R., Lockard, D. P., Neuhart, D. H., and Bahr, C. J., "Characterization of Flap Edge Noise Radiation from a High-Fidelity Airframe Model," AIAA Paper 2015-2991, AIAA Aviation 2015 Forum (21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference), Dallas, Texas, 22 - 26 June, 2015. DOI NTRS |
Hutcheson, F. V., Stead, D. S., and Moen, J. A., "Wake/Flap Side Edge Interaction Noise Experiment," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Spring 2015, Hampton, Virginia, 21 - 22 April, 2015. |
Lopes, L. V., "ANOPP2 Status and Progress Toward Integrated Acoustic Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Spring 2015, Hampton, Virginia, 21 - 22 April, 2015. NTRS |
Lopes, L. V., "Compact Assumption Applied to the Monopole Term of Farassat's Formulation," AIAA Paper 2015-2673, AIAA Aviation 2015 Forum (21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference), Dallas, Texas, 22 - 26 June, 2015. DOI NTRS |
Lopes, L. V., "Mixed-Fidelity Aircraft Noise Prediction: Progress Toward a Unified Prediction Framework (ANOPP2)," Invited Talk at The Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pennsylvania, 17 April, 2015. |
Lopes, L. V., Iyer, V., Jones, J. J., Rawls, J. W., and Wiedemann, K. E., "ANOPP2 Introduction and Training," NASA Acoustics Software Training, Hampton, Virginia, 20 April, 2015. |
Lopes, L. V., Redonnet, S., Imamura, T., Ikeda, T., Zawodny, N. S., and Cunha, G., "Variability in the Propagation Phase of CFD-Based Noise Prediction: Summary of Results from Category 8 of the BANC-III Workshop," AIAA Paper 2015-2845, AIAA Aviation 2015 Forum (21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference), Dallas, Texas, 22 - 26 June, 2015. DOI NTRS |
Miller, S. A. E., "On Theoretical Broadband Shock-Associated Noise Near-Field Cross-Spectra," AIAA Paper 2015-2832, AIAA Aviation 2015 Forum (21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference), Dallas, Texas, 22 - 26 June, 2015. DOI NTRS |
Miller, S. A. E., "Prediction of Near-Field Jet Cross Spectra," AIAA Journal, Vol. 53, No. 8, pp. 2130 - 2150, August, 2015. DOI |
Miller, S. A. E., "The prediction of noise due to jet turbulence convecting past flight vehicle trailing edges," Applied Acoustics, Vol. 90, pp. 42 - 53, April, 2015. DOI |
Miller, S. A. E., "The Prediction of Scattered Broadband Shock-Associated Noise," AIAA Paper 2015-1003, AIAA Scitech 2015 Forum (53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting), Kissimmee, Florida, 5 - 9 January, 2015. DOI NTRS |
Miller, S. A. E., "The scaling of broadband shock-associated noise with increasing temperature," International Journal of Aeroacoustics, Vol. 14, Nos. 1-2, pp. 305 - 326, February, 2015. DOI NTRS |
Miller, S. A. E., "Toward a Nonlinear Acoustic Analogy: Turbulence as a Source of Sound and Nonlinear Propagation," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Spring 2015, Hampton, Virginia, 21 - 22 April, 2015. NTRS |
Miller, S. A. E., "Toward a Nonlinear Acoustic Analogy: Turbulence as a Source of Sound and Nonlinear Propagation," NASA/TM-2015-218706, April, 2015. NTRS |
Miller, S. A. E., "Toward Analytical Prediction of Acoustic Radiation from Isotropic Turbulence," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Fall 2015, Cleveland, Ohio, 20 - 21 October, 2015. |
Rizzi, S. A., and Christian, A. W., "A method for simulation of rotorcraft fly-in noise for human response studies," 44th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (Inter-Noise 2015), San Francisco, California, 9 - 12 August, 2015. NTRS |
Rizzi, S. A., and Christian, A. W., "Simulation of Rotorcraft Fly-In Noise," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Spring 2015, Hampton, Virginia, 21 - 22 April, 2015. NTRS |
Rizzi, S. A., Lopes, L. V., and Burley, C. L., "NASA's Aeroacoustic Tools and Methods for Analysis of Aircraft Noise," Presentation, AIAA SciTech 2015 Forum (53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting), Kissimmee, Florida, 5 - 9 January, 2015. NTRS |
Rizzi, S. A., Lopes, L. V., and Burley, C. L., "Recent Aeroacoustic Tools and Methods Developments for Analysis and Design of Advanced Aviation Systems," Presentation, AIAA SciTech 2015 Forum (53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting), Kissimmee, Florida, 5 - 9 January, 2015. NTRS |
Rizzi, S. A., Stephens, D. B., Berton, J. J., Van Zante, D. E., Wojno, J. P., and Goerig, T. W., "Auralization of Flyover Noise from Open Rotor Engines Using Model Scale Test Data," Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 117 - 128, January - February, 2015. DOI |
Russell, C. R., Young, L. A., Yamauchi, G. K., Johnson, W., Boyd, D. D., Gorton, S. A., Snyder, C. A., and Kohlman, L. W., "Greener Helicopters," In Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering (eds R. Blockley and W. Shyy), December, 2015. DOI |
Spalt, T. B., "Spatial Sound Mapping via Constrained Spectral Conditioning and CLEAN-SC," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Spring 2015, Hampton, Virginia, 21 - 22 April, 2015. NTRS |
Stephenson, J. H., and Greenwood, E., "Effects of Vehicle Weight and True Versus Indicated Airspeed on BVI Noise During Steady Descending Flight," AHS 71st Annual Forum, Virginia Beach, Virginia, 5 - 7 May, 2015. NTRS |
Watts, M. E., Greenwood, E., Conner, D. A., Stephenson, J. H., Smith, C. D., Scudder, H. K., and McCrea, A., "Overview of Rotorcraft Acoustic Flight Testing," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Spring 2015, Hampton, Virginia, 21 - 22 April, 2015. NTRS |
Zawodny, N. S., Boyd, D. D., and Cabell, R. H., "Combined Experimental and Computational Aeroacoustic Analysis of an Isolated UAV-Scale Propeller," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Spring 2015, Hampton, Virginia, 21 - 22 April, 2015. NTRS |
Zawodny, N. S., Nark, D. M., and Boyd, D. D., "Assessment of Geometry and In-Flow Effects on Contra-Rotating Open Rotor Broadband Noise Predictions," AIAA Paper 2015-0741, AIAA Scitech 2015 Forum (53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting), Kissimmee, Florida, 5 - 9 January, 2015. DOI NTRS |