Akaydin, H. D., Housman, J. A., Kiris, C. C., Bahr, C. J., and Hutcheson, F. V., "Computational Design of a Krueger Flap Targeting Conventional Slat Aerodynamics," AIAA Paper 2016-2958, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Lyon, France, 30 May - 1 June, 2016. DOI NTRS |
Bahr, C. J., "30P30N Slat Noise in the NASA Langley Quiet Flow Facility," Presentation, BANC-IV Workshop, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Lyon, France, 2 - 3 June, 2016. |
Bahr, C. J., "Microphone Phased Array Processing: Advancing the State-of-the-Art," NASA Langley Acoustics Peer Review, Hampton, Virginia, 31 October - 2 November, 2016. |
Bahr, C. J., "Phased Array Community Benchmarking Efforts: Year 1 Summary and Year 2 Progress," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Spring 2016, Hampton, Virginia, 19 - 20 April, 2016. |
Bahr, C. J., "Phased Array Methods Panel Session - Experimental Case NASA4," Presentation, Array Methods Panel Session, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Lyon, France, 30 May - 1 June, 2016. |
Bahr, C. J., "Phased Array Methods Panel Session: Introduction, Year 2 Progress, and Discussion," Virtual Presentation, 6th Berlin Beamforming Conference, Berlin, Germany, 29 February - 1 March, 2016. |
Bahr, C. J., "Phased Array Methods Panel Session: Introduction, Year 2 Summary, and Discussion," Presentation, Array Methods Panel Session, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Lyon, France, 30 May - 1 June, 2016. |
Bahr, C. J., and Cattafesta, L. N., "Wavenumber-frequency deconvolution of aeroacoustic microphone phased array data of arbitrary coherence," Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 382, pp. 13 - 42, November, 2016. DOI NTRS |
Bahr, C. J., Hutcheson, F. V., Thomas, R. H., and Housman, J. A., "A Comparison of the Noise Characteristics of a Conventional Slat and Krueger Flap," AIAA Paper 2016-2961, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Lyon, France, 30 May - 1 June, 2016. DOI NTRS |
Boyd, D. D., "Rotorcraft Acoustics Overview and Rotor Noise Optimization," NASA Langley Acoustics Peer Review, Hampton, Virginia, 31 October - 2 November, 2016. |
Boyd, D. D., Lopes, L. V., Greenwood, E., and Watts, M. E., "Recent Rotorcraft Prediction Method Development Using ANOPP2," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Spring 2016, Hampton, Virginia, 19 - 20 April, 2016. |
Burley, C. L., Thomas, R. H., and Guo, Y., "Quantification of Acoustic Scattering Prediction Uncertainty for Aircraft System Noise Assessment," AIAA Paper 2016-3041, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Lyon, France, 30 May - 1 June, 2016. DOI |
Doty, M. J., "Acoustics Peer Review," NASA Langley Acoustics Peer Review, Hampton, Virginia, 31 October - 2 November, 2016. |
Doty, M. J., "Overview of Acoustics Research at NASA Langley Research Center," NASA Langley Acoustics Peer Review, Hampton, Virginia, 31 October - 2 November, 2016. |
Gerhold, C. H., Brown, M. C., and Jasinski, C. M., "Evaluation of Skin Friction Drag for Liner Applications in Aircraft," AIAA Paper 2016-1267, AIAA Scitech 2016 Forum (54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting), San Diego, California, 4 - 8 January, 2016. DOI NTRS |
Gerhold, C. H., Brown, M. C., Jones, M. G., and Howerton, B. M., "Analysis of liner performance using the NASA Langley Research Center Curved Duct Test Rig," Applied Acoustics, Vol. 102, pp. 19 - 32, January, 2016. DOI |
Greenwood, E., "Semiempirical Noise Modeling for Helicopter Flight Operations," NASA Langley Acoustics Peer Review, Hampton, Virginia, 31 October - 2 November, 2016. |
Greenwood, E., and Watts, M. E., "Helicopter Source Noise Variation with Altitude," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Spring 2016, Hampton, Virginia, 19 - 20 April, 2016. |
Greenwood, E., Sim, B. W., and Boyd, D. D., "The Effects of Ambient Conditions on Helicopter Harmonic Noise Radiation: Theory and Experiment," AHS 72nd Annual Forum, West Palm Beach, Florida, 17 - 19 May, 2016. NTRS |
Guo, Y., and Thomas, R. H., "Experimental Study on Open Rotor Noise Shielding by Hybrid Wing Body Aircraft," AIAA Journal, Vol. 54, No. 1, pp. 242 - 253, January, 2016. DOI |
Guo, Y., Burley, C. L., and Thomas, R. H., "Landing Gear Noise Prediction and Analysis for Tube-And-Wing and Hybrid-Wing-Body Aircraft," AIAA Paper 2016-1273, AIAA Scitech 2016 Forum (54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting), San Diego, California, 4 - 8 January, 2016. DOI NTRS |
Guo, Y., Burley, C. L., and Thomas, R. H., "Modeling and Prediction of Krueger Device Noise," AIAA Paper 2016-2957, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Lyon, France, 30 May - 1 June, 2016. DOI NTRS |
Heath, S. L., Brooks, T. F., Hutcheson, F. V., Doty, M. J., Bahr, C. J., Hoad, D., Becker, L., Humphreys, W. M., Burley, C. L., Stead, D. J., Pope, D. S., Spalt, T. B., Kuchta, D. H., Plassman, G. E., and Moen, J. A., "NASA Hybrid Wing Aircraft Aeroacoustic Test Documentation Report," NASA/TM-2016-219185, April, 2016. NTRS |
Humphreys, W. M., and Bahr, C. J., "NASA2 Benchmark - Comparison of Analysis Results to Date," Presentation, Array Methods Panel Session, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Lyon, France, 30 May - 1 June, 2016. |
Hutcheson, F. V., "Wake/Flap Interaction and Reduction of Flap Side Edge Noise," NASA Langley Acoustics Peer Review, Hampton, Virginia, 31 October - 2 November, 2016. |
Hutcheson, F. V., Spalt, T. B., Brooks, T. F., and Plassman, G. E., "Airframe Noise from a Hybrid Wing Body Aircraft Configuration," AIAA Paper 2016-2708, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Lyon, France, 30 May - 1 June, 2016. DOI NTRS |
Hutcheson, F. V., Stead, D. J., and Plassman, G. E., "Experimental Study of Wake/Flap Interaction Noise and the Reduction of Flap Side Edge Noise," AIAA Paper 2016-2955, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Lyon, France, 30 May - 1 June, 2016. DOI NTRS |
Lopes, L. V., "Aircraft Noise Prediction Program 2 (ANOPP2)," NASA Langley Acoustics Peer Review, Hampton, Virginia, 31 October - 2 November, 2016. |
Lopes, L. V., "ANOPP2: 2015 Summary and 2016 Plan," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Spring 2016, Hampton, Virginia, 19 - 20 April, 2016. |
Lopes, L. V., and Burley, C. L., "ANOPP2 User's Manual - Version 1.2," NASA/TM-2016-219342, October, 2016. NTRS |
Lopes, L. V., Jones, J. J., Iyer, V., and Wiedemann, K. E., "ANOPP2: Database Coupling Training," NASA Acoustics Software Training, Hampton, Virginia, 21 April, 2016. |
Lopes, L. V., Jones, J. J., Iyer, V., and Wiedemann, K. E., "ANOPP2: Plugin Development Training," NASA Acoustics Software Training, Hampton, Virginia, 21 April, 2016. |
Malpica, C., Greenwood, E., and Sim, B. W., "Helicopter Non-Unique Trim Strategies for Blade-Vortex Interaction (BVI) Noise Reduction," AHS Technical Meeting on Aeromechanics Design for Vertical Lift, San Francisco, California, 20 - 22 January, 2016. NTRS |
Malpica, C., Greenwood, E., and Sim, B. W., "Parametric Investigation of the Effect of Hub Pitching Moment on Blade Vortex Interaction (BVI) Noise of an Isolated Rotor," AHS 72nd Annual Forum, West Palm Beach, Florida, 17 - 19 May, 2016. NTRS |
Miller, S. A. E., "Broadband shock-associated noise near-field cross-spectra," Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 372, pp. 82 - 104, June, 2016. DOI |
Miller, S. A. E., "Overview of Theoretical Acoustics: Compiled Mathematical Derivations of Fereidoun 'Feri' Farassat," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Spring 2016, Hampton, Virginia, 19 - 20 April, 2016. |
Miller, S. A. E., "Prediction of Scattered Broadband Shock-Associated Noise," AIAA Journal, Vol. 54, No. 1, pp. 343 - 359, January, 2016. DOI |
Miller, S. A. E., "Prediction of Turbulent Boundary Layer Noise and Contemporary Challenges," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Spring 2016, Hampton, Virginia, 19 - 20 April, 2016. |
Miller, S. A. E., "The Cross-Spectral Acoustic Analogy: Application to Jets and Boundary Layers," The University of Florida, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Seminar Series, 12 April, 2016. |
Miller, S. A. E., "Theoretical Aeroacoustics: Compiled Methematical Derivations of Fereidoun 'Feri' Farassat," NASA/TM-2016-219179, April, 2016. NTRS |
Nark, D. M., Jones, W. T., Boyd, D. D., and Zawodny, N. S., "Isolated Open Rotor Noise Prediction Assessment Using the F31A31 Historical Blade Set," AIAA Paper 2016-1271, AIAA Scitech 2016 Forum (54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting), San Diego, California, 4 - 8 January, 2016. DOI NTRS |
Rizzi, S. A., "Auralization of Noise of Future Air Vehicles," Auralization Symposium, Braunschweig, Germany, 19 August, 2016. |
Rizzi, S. A., "NASA Auralization Framework (NAF)," NASA Langley Acoustics Peer Review, Hampton, Virginia, 31 October - 2 November, 2016. |
Rizzi, S. A., "Objective and Subjective Assessment of System Noise Associated with NASA N+2 Advanced Subsonic Transport Concepts," TU Delft Faculty of Aerospace Engineering Lecture, Delft, The Netherlands, 3 June, 2016. |
Rizzi, S. A., "Toward Reduced Aircraft Community Noise Impact via a Perception-Influenced Design Approach," 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (Inter-Noise 2016), Hamburg, Germany, 21 - 24 August, 2016. NTRS |
Rizzi, S. A., and Christian, A. W., "A Psychoacoustic Evaluation of Noise Signatures from Advanced Civil Transport Aircraft," AIAA Paper 2016-2907, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Lyon, France, 30 May - 1 June, 2016. DOI NTRS |
Rizzi, S. A., Burley, C. L., and Thomas, R. H., "Auralization of NASA N+2 Aircraft Concepts from System Noise Predictions," AIAA Paper 2016-2906, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Lyon, France, 30 May - 1 June, 2016. DOI NTRS |
Spalt, T. B., Brooks, T. F., and Fuller, C. R., "Constrained Spectral Conditioning for spatial sound level estimation," Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 382, pp. 379 - 394, November, 2016. DOI |
Stephenson, J. H., "Military Collaboration and Leveraging," NASA Langley Acoustics Peer Review, Hampton, Virginia, 31 October - 2 November, 2016. |
Thomas, R. H., "Advanced Aircraft Technology Roadmaps, Prediction Method Development, and Portfolio Assessments," NASA Langley Acoustics Peer Review, Hampton, Virginia, 31 October - 2 November, 2016. |
Thomas, R. H., "Aircraft System Noise Research Overview," NASA Langley Acoustics Peer Review, Hampton, Virginia, 31 October - 2 November, 2016. |
Thomas, R. H., Burley, C. L., and Guo, Y., "Progress of Aircraft System Noise Assessment with Uncertainty Quantification for the Environmentally Responsible Aviation Project," AIAA Paper 2016-3040, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Lyon, France, 30 May - 1 June, 2016. DOI NTRS |
Thomas, R. H., Burley, C. L., and Nickol, C. L., "Assessment of the Noise Reduction Potential of Advanced Subsonic Transport Concepts for NASA’s Environmentally Responsible Aviation Project," AIAA Paper 2016-0863, AIAA Scitech 2016 Forum (54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting), San Diego, California, 4 - 8 January, 2016. DOI NTRS |
Thomas, R. H., Burley, C. L., Nickol., C. L., and Rizzi, S. A., "Assessment of the Noise Reduction Potential of Advanced Subsonic Transport Concepts for NASA’s Environmentally Responsible Aviation Project," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Spring 2016, Hampton, Virginia, 19 - 20 April, 2016. |
Thomas, R. H., Burley, C. L., Rizzi, S. A., and Guo, Y., "Propulsion Airframe Aeroacoustics, ERA N+2 Assessment and Auralization and Future Aircraft Noise Reduction Prospects," Green Aviation Technical Interchange Meeting, Hampton, Virginia, 29 - 31 March, 2016. |
Thomas, R. H., Nickol, C. L., Burley, C. L., and Guo, Y., "Potential for Landing Gear Noise Reduction on Advanced Aircraft Configurations," AIAA Paper 2016-3039, 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Lyon, France, 30 May - 1 June, 2016. DOI NTRS |
Watts, M. E., "Bell 430 Maneuvering Acoustic Flight Testing," HAI Heli-Expo 2016, Louisville, Kentucky, 28 February - 3 March, 2016. |
Watts, M. E., "Rotorcraft Acoustic Flight Testing," NASA Langley Acoustics Peer Review, Hampton, Virginia, 31 October - 2 November, 2016. |
Watts, M. E., Greenwood, E., and Stephenson, J. H., "Measurement and Characterization of Helicopter Noise at Different Altitudes," AHS 72nd Annual Forum, West Palm Beach, Florida, 17 - 19 May, 2016. NTRS |
Watts, M. E., Greenwood, E., Sim, B. W., Stephenson, J. H., and Smith, C. D., "Helicopter Acoustic Flight Test with Altitude Variation and Maneuvers," NASA/TM-2016-219354, December, 2016. NTRS |
Zawodny, N. S., "Acoustic Characterization and Prediction of Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (sUAVs)," NASA Langley Acoustics Peer Review, Hampton, Virginia, 31 October - 2 November, 2016. |
Zawodny, N. S., Boyd, D. D., and Burley, C. L., "Acoustic Characterization and Prediction of Representative, Small-Scale Rotary-Wing Unmanned Aircraft System Components," AHS 72nd Annual Forum, West Palm Beach, Florida, 17 - 19 May, 2016. NTRS |
Zawodny, N. S., Boyd, D. D., and Burley, C. L., "Noise Characterization and Prediction Progress for Small-Scale, Rotary-Wing UAS," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Spring 2016, Hampton, Virginia, 19 - 20 April, 2016. |