Presentations & Publications - 2024

  • Boucher, M. A., Christian, A. W., Krishnamurthy, S., and Rizzi, S. A., "Perceptual Evaluation of Sound Exposure Level in Annoyance Ratings to Helicopter Noise," Journal of the American Helicopter Society, Vol. 69, No. 3, July, 2024. DOI NTRS
  • Boucher, M. A., Christian, A. W., Krishnamurthy, S., Tracy, T., Begault, D. R., Shepherd, K., and Rizzi, S. A., "Toward a Psychoacoustic Annoyance Model for Urban Air Mobility Vehicle Noise," NASA/TM-2024-0003202, June, 2024. NTRS
  • Boucher, M. A., Christian, A. W., Tracy, T. D., Krishnamurthy, S., Begault, D. R., Rizzi, S. A., and Shepherd, K. P., "A Psychoacoustic Test on the Effect of Masking on Annoyance to Urban Air Mobility Vehicle Noise," 186th Meeting of the ASA, Ottowa, Ontario, Canada, 13 - 17 May, 2024. NTRS
  • Boucher, M. A., Rafaelof, M., Begault, D. R., Christian, A. W., Krishnamurthy, S., and Rizzi, S. A., "A Psychoacoustic Test for Urban Air Mobility Vehicle Sound Quality," SAE International Journal of Advances and Current Practices in Mobility, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 972 - 985, April, 2024. DOI
  • Boyd, D. D., "Brief Overview of NASA and AAM Work," University Lead Initiative (ULI) Peer Review, Blacksburg, Virginia, 23 May, 2024.
  • Boyd, D. D., "Comprehensive Analysis + Acoustics," RVLT Acoustics Tools Workshop, Hampton, Virginia, 18 March, 2024.
  • Brown, M. C., "Research Opportunities of Porous Acoustic Liners for Aerospace Applications," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Spring 2024, Hampton, Virginia and Virtual, 19 - 20 March, 2024.
  • Brown, M. C., Ciletti, A., Godakawela, J., and Sharma, B., "The two-cavity method for characterizing acoustical materials - an interlaboratory study," Noise-Con 2024, New Orleans, Louisiana, 10 - 12 June, 2024. NTRS
  • Carr, A. N., "Acoustic Mode Decomposition in Rectangular Ducts with Sheared Flow," AIAA Paper 2024-3368, 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Rome, Italy, 4 - 7 June, 2024. DOI NTRS
  • Carr, A. N., and Howerton, B. M., "Background Turbulence Characterization of the Curved Duct Test Rig," NASA/TM-20230018450, February, 2024. NTRS
  • Carr, A. N., Lonzaga, J. B., and Miller, S. A. E., "Split-step simulations to assess the effects of atmospheric boundary layer turbulence on the dose variability of N-waves and shaped booms," Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 571, Article 118118, February, 2024. DOI
  • Ciletti, A., Godakawela, J., Brown, M. C., and Sharma, B., "Characterizing Porous Materials Using the Two-Cavity Method: Numerical Considerations and Predictive Accuracy," 187th Meeting of the ASA, Virtual, 18 - 22 November, 2024. DOI NTRS
  • Ciletti, A., Brown, M. C., Godakawela, J., and Sharma, B., "Sound Absorption Properties of Additively Manufactured Porous Materials With Minimal Surface Pore Geometries," 186th Meeting of the ASA, Ottowa, Ontario, Canada, 13 - 17 May, 2024. NTRS
  • Clark, I. A., "System Noise Assessment of a Mild Hybrid Electrified Aircraft Concept," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Spring 2024, Hampton, Virginia and Virtual, 19 - 20 March, 2024.
  • Clark, I. A., Guo, Y., and Thomas, R. H., "Design of an Acoustic Shielding Flap Concept with Prediction and Validation," AIAA Paper 2024-3001, 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Rome, Italy, 4 - 7 June, 2024. DOI NTRS
  • Clark, I. A., Nesbitt, E. H., Thomas, R. H., and Guo, Y., "Turbofan Aft-Radiated Broadband Acoustic Flight Effects," AIAA Paper 2024-3225, 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Rome, Italy, 4 - 7 June, 2024. DOI NTRS
  • Cluts, J., Page, J. A., and Pascioni, K. A., "Subgroup 2 Activities Overview," NASA Urban Air Mobility Noise Working Group Meeting, Spring 2024, Hampton, Virginia and Virtual, 21 March, 2024.
  • Cluts, J., Page, J. A., and Pascioni, K. A., "UAM Noise Working Group Meeting Subgroup 2: Ground & Flight Testing," NASA Urban Air Mobility Noise Working Group Meeting, Spring 2024, Cleveland, Ohio and Virtual, 10 October, 2024.
  • Greenwood, E., Sim, B. W., and Boyd, D. D., "Effects of Ambient Conditions on Helicopter Harmonic Noise Radiation: Theory and Experiment," Journal of the American Helicopter Society, Vol. 69, No. 1, Article 012005, January, 2024. DOI NTRS
  • Groom, M. J., Zhou, B. Y., and Lopes, L. V., "Aeroacoustic Optimization of Installed Propeller Configurations With Scattering and Shielding Effects," AIAA Paper 2024-3039, 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Rome, Italy, 4 - 7 June, 2024. DOI NTRS
  • Guo, Y., "Diffraction by Sharp Edges of Noncanonical Shape with Mean Flow and Surface Impedance," AIAA Paper 2024-3000, 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Rome, Italy, 4 - 7 June, 2024. DOI NTRS
  • Guo, Y., "Phased Microphone Array on Aircraft Fuselage," AIAA Paper 2024-3010, 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Rome, Italy, 4 - 7 June, 2024. DOI NTRS
  • Henderson, B., and Rizzi, S. A., "UNWG Perspective on Noise in the Vertiport Environment," NASA Urban Air Mobility Noise Working Group Meeting, Spring 2024, Cleveland, Ohio and Virtual, 10 October, 2024. NTRS
  • Houston, M. L., Pascioni, K. A., and Stephenson, J. H., "Investigation of Speed and Altitude Effects on Sound Exposure Level Calculations for Multiple Helicopters," 186th Meeting of the ASA, Ottowa, Ontario, Canada, 13 - 17 May, 2024. NTRS
  • Houston, M. L., Stutz, C. M., Zawodny, N. S., and Pascioni, K. A., "Acoustic Characterization of the NASA Langley 14- by 22-Foot Subsonic Tunnel using a Phased Array," Noise-Con 2024, New Orleans, Louisiana, 10 - 12 June, 2024. NTRS
  • Hrynuk, J. T., Olson, D., Stutz, C. M., and Jackson, J., "Effects of Turbulence on NACA 0012 Airfoil Performance at Low Reynolds Number," AIAA Journal, Vol. 62, No. 1, January, 2024. DOI
  • June, J. C., Nesbitt, E. H., Nark, D. M., and Jones, M. G., "Comparison of Inlet Broadband Acoustic Liner Predictions to Quiet Technology Demonstrator 3 Flight Data," AIAA Paper 2024-3371, 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Rome, Italy, 4 - 7 June, 2024. DOI NTRS
  • Krishnamurthy, S., Rizzi, S. A., Biziorek, R., Czech, J., Berg, J., Tannler, D., Bean, D., Ayrapetyan, A., Nguyen, A., and Wivagg, J., "Remotely Administered Psychoacoustic Test for sUAS Noise to Gauge Feasibility of Remote UAM Noise Study," SAE International Journal of Advances and Current Practices in Mobility, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 986 - 999, April, 2024. DOI
  • Krishnamurthy, S., Tuttle, B. C., Aumann, A. R., Rizzi, S. A., Lopes, L. V., Letica, S. J., and Boyd, D. D., "A Synthesis Method to Auralize Rotor Noise During Transitional Flight," Quiet Drones 2024, Manchester, United Kingdom, 8 - 11 September, 2024. NTRS
  • Letica, S. J., and Rizzi, S. A., "On the modeling of urban air mobility vehicle takeoff and landing operations in the FAA Aviation Environmental Design Tool," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Fall 2024, Cleveland, Ohio and Virtual, 8 - 9 October, 2024.
  • Letica, S. J., and Rizzi, S. A., "On the modeling of urban air mobility vehicle takeoff and landing operations in the FAA Aviation Environmental Design Tool," Noise-Con 2024, New Orleans, Louisiana, 10 - 12 June, 2024. NTRS
  • Lopes, L. V., "Tools, Methods, Features, and Updates in ANOPP2v1.5," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Spring 2024, Hampton, Virginia and Virtual, 19 - 20 March, 2024.
  • Lopes, L., Thurman, C., and Bain, J., "UNWG SG1: Tools and Technologies Briefing," NASA Urban Air Mobility Noise Working Group Meeting, Spring 2024, Hampton, Virginia and Virtual, 21 March, 2024.
  • Nesbitt, E. H., Clark, I. A., Guo, Y., and Thomas, R. H., "Flight Effects on Turbofan Fan Tones," AIAA Paper 2024-3222, 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Rome, Italy, 4 - 7 June, 2024. DOI NTRS
  • Page, J., and Pascioni, K., "Overview of the UAM Source Noise Hemisphere Flight Test Measurement Protocol," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Spring 2024, Hampton, Virginia and Virtual, 19 - 20 March, 2024.
  • Pascioni, K. A., Page, J. A., and Boyle, D. K., "UAM Source Noise Hemisphere Flight Test Measurement Protocol," NASA/TM-20240011587, October, 2024. NTRS
  • Pascioni, K. A., Stephenson, J. H., Houston, M. L., and Stutz, C. M., "Overview of the 2024 Army/NASA Acoustic Research Flight Test," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Fall 2024, Cleveland, Ohio and Virtual, 8 - 9 October, 2024.
  • Pascioni, K. A., Thai, A. D., and Bain, J. J., "Propeller Source Noise Separation from Flight Test Measurements of the Joby Aviation Aircraft," AIAA Paper 2024-3231, 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Rome, Italy, 4 - 7 June, 2024. DOI NTRS
  • Rizzi, S. A., "Community Noise Impact of Urban Air Mobility Vehicle Operations," Up, Up, and Away: Innovations in Advanced Air Mobility, Virtual, 17 January, 2024. NTRS
  • Rizzi, S. A., "Perception-Influenced Acoustic Design of Novel Air Vehicles," Mobility Innovation eXchange in Aero/Acoustics (MIXA) Seminar (The Ohio State University), Virtual, 14 November, 2024. NTRS
  • Rizzi, S. A., Christian, A. W., Letica, S. J., and Lympany, S. V., "Annoyance Model Assessments of Urban Air Mobility Vehicle Operations," AIAA Paper 2024-3014, 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Rome, Italy, 4 - 7 June, 2024. DOI NTRS
  • Rizzi, S. A., Christian, A. W., Letica, S. J., and Lympany, S. V., "Annoyance Model Assessments of Urban Air Mobility Vehicle Operations," Urban Noise - Impact and Control, National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Workshop, Washington, DC, 29 - 30 October, 2024. NTRS
  • Rizzi, S. A., Letica, S. J., Boyd, D. D., and Lopes, L. V., "Prediction of Noise-Power-Distance Data for Urban Air Mobility Vehicles," Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 61, No. 1, pp. 166 - 182, January - February, 2024. DOI NTRS
  • Shelts, K., "Acoustic Characterization of the High-Resolution Traversing Microphone Array (HiRTMA)," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Spring 2024, Hampton, Virginia and Virtual, 19 - 20 March, 2024.
  • Stutz, C. M., Houston, M. L., Zawodny, N. S., and Pascioni, K. A., "Acoustic Characterization of the NASA Langley 14- by 22-Foot Subsonic Tunnel Using Single-Microphone Analysis Techniques," Noise-Con 2024, New Orleans, Louisiana, 10 - 12 June, 2024. NTRS
  • Stutz, C. M., Hrynuk, J. T., and Bohl, D. G., "The Effects of Freestream Turbulence on Wing-Gust Interactions," AIAA Paper 2024-0078, AIAA Scitech 2024 Forum, Orlando, Florida, 8 - 12 January, 2024. DOI NTRS
  • Thai, A. D., Bain, J. J., and Pascioni, K. A., "Identification and Computation of Individual Propeller Acoustics of the Joby Aviation Aircraft," AIAA Paper 2024-3232, 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Rome, Italy, 4 - 7 June, 2024. DOI NTRS
  • Thai, A. D., Roget, B., Sitaraman, J., Zawodny, N. S., and Grace, S. M., "Validation of Variable Rotor Speed Trim Using Computational Fluid Dynamics," Journal of the American Helicopter Society, Vol. 69, No. 1, Article 012008, January, 2024. DOI
  • Thomas, R. H., Guo, Y., Nesbitt, E. H., Clark, I. A., and June, J. C., "Refined Predictions Compared with the Propulsion Airframe Aeroacoustics and Aircraft System Noise Flight Research Test Data," 34th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS), Florence, Italy, 9 - 13 September, 2024. NTRS
  • Thomas, R. H., Guo, Y., Nesbitt, E. H., Clark, I. A., June, J. C., Shelts, K. M., Jones, J. J., and Potter, N. R., "PAA and Aircraft System Noise Team Overview of Research for the AATT Project," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Spring 2024, Hampton, Virginia and Virtual, 19 - 20 March, 2024.
  • Thurman, C. S., "Preliminary Solver Comparison for Aeroacoustic Prediction of a Small Hovering Rotor," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Spring 2024, Hampton, Virginia and Virtual, 19 - 20 March, 2024.
  • Thurman, C. S., and Zawodny, N. S., "UNWG SG1: Tools and Technologies," NASA Urban Air Mobility Noise Working Group Meeting, Spring 2024, Cleveland, Ohio and Virtual, 10 October, 2024.
  • Thurman, C. S., Boyd, D. D., and Lopes, L. V., "Prediction of Broadband Blade-Wake Back-Scatter Noise from a Hovering Ideally Twisted Rotor using OVERFLOW2-ANOPP2," AIAA Paper 2024-2471, AIAA Scitech 2024 Forum, Orlando, Florida, 8 - 12 January, 2024. DOI NTRS
  • Thurman, C. S., Boyd, D. D., Buning, P. G., Reboul, G., and Benoit, C., "NASA/ONERA Collaboration on Small Hovering Rotor Broadband Noise Prediction using Lattice-Boltzmann Method and Structured Navier-Stokes Solvers," AIAA Paper 2024-3106, 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Rome, Italy, 4 - 7 June, 2024. DOI NTRS
  • Tracy, T. D., Boucher, M. A., Christian, A. W., Krishnamurthy, K., Begault, D., Rizzi, S. A., and Shepherd, K., "Noise Annoyance Model for Urban Air Mobility Vehicles," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Spring 2024, Hampton, Virginia and Virtual, 19 - 20 March, 2024.
  • Tracy, T. D., Boucher, M. A., Christian, A. W., Krishnamurthy, K., Rizzi, S. A., Begault, D., and Shepherd, K., "An annoyance model for urban air mobility vehicle noise in the presence of a masker," Noise-Con 2024, New Orleans, Louisiana, 10 - 12 June, 2024. NTRS
  • van der Wall, B. G., Lim, J. W., Riemenschneider, J., Kalow, S., Wilke, G. A., Boyd, D. D., Bailly, J., Delrieux, Y., Cafarelli, I., Tanabe, Y., Sugawara, H., Jung, S. N., Hong, S. H., Kim, D.-H., Kang, H. J., Barakos, G., and Steininger, R., "New smart twisting active rotor (STAR): pretest predictions," CEAS Aeronautical Journal, Vol. 15, pp. 721 - 750, April, 2024. DOI
  • Wells, D. P., Gatlin, G. M., June, J. C., and Marien, T. V., "NASA Transonic Truss-Braced Wing Studies," 34th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS), Florence, Italy, 9 - 13 September, 2024. NTRS
  • Wiedemann, A. D., Fuller, C., and Pascioni, K. A., "Artificial Neural Network and Gaussian Approach to Predict Rotor-Airframe Acoustic Waveforms," AIAA Journal, Ahead of Print, November, 2024. DOI
  • Zawodny, N. S., Pascioni, K. A., Lind, A. H., Galles, M. B., Stutz, C. M., and Houston, M. L., "Reflectivity characterization of in-flow acoustic floor treatment for the NASA Langley 14- by 22-Foot Subsonic Tunnel," 53rd International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (Inter-Noise 2024), Nantes, France, August, 2024. NTRS
  • Zawodny, N. S., Thurman, C. S., and Stutz, C. M., "Small-Scale UAM Proprotor Hover Testing: Progress and Observations," NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting, Fall 2024, Cleveland, Ohio and Virtual, 8 - 9 October, 2024.
  • Zhang, Y., Cattafesta, L., Pascioni, K., and Choudhari, M., "Slat noise in high-lift systems," Progress in Aerospace Sciences, Vol. 146, Article 100996, April, 2024. DOI